Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to Follow-up your Pending E-mails in Gmail

Follow-up your Pending E-mails in Gmail

What I have done is created an email newsletter that arrives every morning and contains a list of 10 messages, picked randomly from the entire pool of messages that are marked with a star in Gmail.

 This daily email works like a gentle nudge to act and also alerts me of messages that have been pending for too long. Here’s how you can set up one for your own Gmail account.

  1. Copy this Google Sheet to your Google Drive.
  2. Open the sheet and a new Gmail option will appear in the menu bar. Choose Initialize and grant access.
  3. Now choose Gmail -> Install to activate the script that will send you a daily newsletter. Close the Google sheet.
If you wish to stop receiving the email reminder anytime, open the same Google Sheet and choose Uninstall from the Gmail menu.

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